October 2023

Welcome to the October 2023 Issue of Empowering Boss Life Magazine, where the essence of entrepreneurship and leadership shines brightly. In this empowering edition, we proudly feature remarkable women who epitomize resilience, creativity, and ambition. From Gwendolyn's determination to Courtney's entrepreneurial spirit, each feature encapsulates the spirit of empowerment and achievement. Welcome to a world where passion meets purpose and dreams are transformed into reality.

Kimberly KneCole

Trailblazing Women

Empowering Boss Life

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your background?

Kimberly KneCole: I'm Kimberly Kne'Cole, an experienced fashion stylist hailing from Houston, Texas, with a background that reaches far beyond the world of fashion. My journey initially focused on empowering plus-sized women through fashion, but I realized that true confidence stems from inner beauty. This realization sparked a transformative path for me.

Driven by my passion for social justice and advocating for black and brown women, I co- founded the Femme Forward project, a non- profit organization dedicated to making a difference. Presently, I serve as the Founder and SHE-EO of Kimberly Kne’Cole Consulting, a platform where I offer life coaching, fashion expertise, and ambitious plans for a future wellness spa. I provide consulting solutions to both businesses and individuals, empowering them with a comprehensive approach that includes fashion, healing, and faith. My mission is to redefine beauty by helping women genuinely invest in themselves.

Empowering Boss Life

If you have a business, could you describe it and how you started it?

Kimberly KneCole: My journey into business was deeply personal and rooted in my own experiences as a woman of size. I found myself at a crucial juncture, understanding the significance of how women perceive themselves in the world. Life sometimes provides us with the tools we need, often without us realizing it. Styling numerous women became more than just a profession for me; it became a calling to assist them in various aspects of their lives.

This transformative journey empowered me to confront and heal from my own childhood traumas, the absence of a father figure, and experiences in abusive relationships. It inspired me to explore ways in which I could empower my fellow sisters to lead positive lives, achieve personal success, and thrive in their professional pursuits.

Out of this passion and commitment, Kimberly Kne'Cole Consulting and Kimberly Kne'Cole Wellness were established. In 2020, I made a pivotal decision to change my trajectory and enrolled in school to become a Licensed Professional Counselor. Additionally, I obtained certifications as a Life Coach and a Mindfulness Coach, enabling me to offer holistic support to those I work with. My mission is to empower women to discover their inner strength, heal from past wounds, and achieve both personal and professional success. Through my businesses, I strive to make a meaningful impact on the lives of the women I serve.

Empowering Boss Life

What challenges have you faced as a woman in your field, and how have you overcome them?

Kimberly KneCole: In my journey as a woman in the fashion, counseling, and wellness fields, I've confronted numerous challenges, each met with determination and strategic efforts:

Firstly, there exist prevalent stereotypes and biases within these industries, often leading to gender-based assumptions. I countered these biases by consistently showcasing my expertise, professionalism, and passion, earning respect over time.

Balancing multiple roles in these demanding fields, alongside advocacy for social justice, necessitated effective time management and delegation. Building a supportive team has been crucial in managing these diverse responsibilities.

Navigating male-dominated spaces, whether in business meetings or academic environments, demanded confidence and assertiveness. I relied on my expertise, fostering a strong network of supportive women and allies.

Emotionally charged topics like trauma and body image demanded resilience. I prioritized self- care, sought supervision, and engaged in personal growth to support others.

Access to resources, mentorship, and funding, often uneven for women entrepreneurs, required seeking tailored opportunities. Actively engaging in women-centric business networks facilitated my growth. By challenging stereotypes, embracing resilience, and fostering a robust support network, I've not only overcome these challenges but also paved a meaningful path in my field. These experiences fuel my dedication to empowering fellow women, helping them surmount obstacles and flourish personally and professionally.

Empowering Boss Life

What accomplishments are you most proud of since being featured in Empowering Boss Life magazine?

Kimberly KneCole: Reflecting on my journey since my feature in Empowering Boss Life magazine, several accomplishments stand out, each contributing to my pride and fulfillment. Foremost among these achievements is my ability to empower women through my expertise in fashion styling, counseling, and wellness. Guiding women to discover their inner strength, heal from trauma, and achieve personal and professional success has been rewarding.

Additionally, co-founding the Femme Forward project, a non-profit organization dedicated to social justice, has allowed me to make a meaningful impact in my community and beyond. My commitment to personal and professional growth led me to return to school in 2020. I pursued further education to become a Licensed Professional Counselor and earned certifications as a Life Coach and Mindfulness Coach. This decision underscores my dedication to offering comprehensive support to those I serve.

Establishing Kimberly Kne'Cole Consulting, where I offer coaching and fashion services, and my plans for a wellness spa reflect my entrepreneurial spirit and holistic well-being vision. Moreover, building a supportive network of like-minded women and allies who share my passion for empowerment and social justice has been an ongoing achievement, enriching my journey and enhancing my ability to create positive change.

However, what fills me with pride is the positive influence I've had on the lives of the women I've assisted. Guiding them to discover their inner strength, facilitating healing, and enabling their success remain my driving force, fueling my dedication to making a lasting difference in the lives of others.

Empowering Boss Life

How have you continued to empower and mentor other women in your industry?

Kimberly KneCole: I've been empowering and mentoring women in the fashion, counseling, and wellness sectors through various initiatives. I engage in one-on-one mentoring relationships, providing tailored guidance and support to aspiring women professionals. Additionally, I organize workshops, both online and in-person, covering topics ranging from fashion styling to entrepreneurship, aiming to equip women with essential skills. I create networking events, fostering a community and enabling valuable professional connections. Through online resources like articles and webinars, I share insights and advice accessible to a broader audience. Advocating for gender equality, I address challenges faced by women in the industry and promote awareness. Collaborating with women-owned businesses, I actively support their ventures, creating opportunities and visibility. My objective is to inspire and empower women, providing them with the confidence and tools necessary to excel in their respective fields. More details about these initiatives can be found on my website: www.Kimberlyknecole.com.

Empowering Boss Life

Could you share an impactful story or experience that has shaped your journey and outlook on life?

Kimberly KneCole: I've been profoundly moved and inspired by the testimonials shared by my clients. Their words reinforce my belief in the transformative power of mentorship and the importance of self-belief. Observing their personal and professional development strengthens my resolve to create a positive influence in their paths.

One impactful story that stands out involves a client named Shine Lashae, the owner of Blafe in Atlanta, GA. Through our collaboration, I had the privilege of guiding Shine Lashae on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Together, we delved into the core of her self-worth and potential. I emphasized the significance of holding her brand to the highest standards, akin to luxury brands, and trusting the process of growth. Shine Lashae embraced the philosophy that success extends beyond financial gains; it's about nurturing meaningful connections and mutual support within the business community. Her dedication and determination to consistently push her limits underscored the mindset shift needed for enduring success.

Another client, Davee Scott from Washington, D.C., shared his transformative experience under my mentorship. He highlighted the impact of my business coaching and self- healing journal, which served as catalysts for his personal healing and professional advancement. Davee emphasized how my guidance ignited a deep passion within him, leading to enhanced self-worth, self- awareness, and self-respect. His words stand as proof of the deep impact mentorship can wield on one's journey, spanning both business and personal growth.

These endorsements reinforce my dedication to empowering others and serve as a reminder of the profound fulfillment derived from guiding individuals to reach their utmost potential.

Empowering Boss Life

How has your life and career evolved since being featured in Empowering Boss Life magazine?

Kimberly KneCole: Since my last appearance in Empowering Boss Life magazine, significant changes have occurred in both my personal and professional life. I've delved into the realm of entrepreneurship, providing valuable business coaching services. Additionally, I've devoted my time to philanthropic pursuits, engaging in both nonprofit initiatives and volunteer work. Embracing the role of an author, I've curated a series of self-love journals, adding a creative dimension to my journey. This experience of personal and professional growth has been truly extraordinary. I am genuinely content with the path I've chosen. I have not only broadened my connections but also intensified my dedication to self-healing and supporting others on their paths toward healing and personal growth. Witnessing the positive impact I've had from afar brings immense gratification, and I wouldn't alter a single aspect of this incredible journey.

Empowering Boss Life

What have you learned about yourself and your leadership style since being featured in Empowering Boss Life magazine?

Kimberly KneCole: Throughout my journey, my leadership style has evolved significantly, especially after my feature in Empowering Boss Life magazine. My approach revolves around empathy, empowerment, and an unwavering dedication to personal development. One fundamental lesson I've learned is the power of empathy. I deeply connect with people on a personal level, understanding their emotions and experiences, which enables me to inspire and support them effectively.

Empowering others has become a cornerstone of my leadership philosophy. Whether through coaching, philanthropy, or my writing, I've witnessed the transformative potential in enabling individuals to take control of their lives and flourish. Moreover, my commitment to continuous growth is evident. I firmly believe in the importance of personal and professional development, using my own journey as a catalyst to encourage others on their paths of self-improvement.

Resilience is another aspect of my leadership style. Challenges have tested my resolve, yet I've learned to adapt, persevere, and maintain a positive perspective. This resilience has been vital in overcoming obstacles and guiding others through difficult times. Importantly, I've discovered that impactful leadership transcends physical presence.

Through my work and mentorship, I've realized the ability to make a significant difference even from a distance. This underscores the significance of leading with purpose and intention, proving that distance doesn't diminish the potential for positive change. In essence, my leadership style prioritizes empathy, empowerment, and growth. Witnessing the profound transformations that stem from this approach reinforces my belief in the immense impact of compassionate and purpose-driven leadership.

Empowering Boss Life

How have you continued to challenge yourself and grow as a leader?

Kimberly KneCole: I have continued to challenge myself and grow as a leader by consistently pushing my boundaries. I am not afraid to get hands-on with my team, fostering empathy, empowerment, and personal growth. I actively seek opportunities to connect with people, inspire them to unlock their potential, and continuously nurture my own development. Additionally, I have honed my adaptability and perseverance skills, overcoming adversities and leaving a lasting impact on everyone I meet.

Empowering Boss Life

What does being an empowering boss mean to you, and how do you strive to embody that in your everyday life and interactions with others?

Kimberly KneCole: Being an empowering boss, to me, means leading with authenticity, honesty, and a strong commitment to empowering others. I strive to embody these qualities in my everyday life by being realistic and honest in my journey, fostering a culture of growth, and actively supporting those around me in achieving their full potential. I believe in creating an environment where individuals are encouraged to express their ideas, take calculated risks, and learn from failures. By being approachable and transparent, I aim to inspire confidence and trust among my team members. Additionally, I provide guidance and mentorship, ensuring everyone has the resources and encouragement needed to thrive. Ultimately, being an empowering boss means creating a supportive and nurturing space where individuals can flourish both personally and professionally.

Empowering Boss Life

How do you prioritize self-care and maintaining a healthy work-life balance? what tips can you offer other busy women?

Kimberly KneCole: Prioritizing self-care and maintaining a healthy work-life balance aligns with my core leadership principles, enabling me to lead genuinely and support others effectively. I achieve this by setting clear boundaries and dedicating time for my personal well-being, creating harmony between my professional and personal life.

For fellow busy women, here are my suggestions:

1. Set Clear, Achievable Goals:

Begin by defining your goals, both personal and professional. Break them down into manageable steps, ensuring they are realistic and attainable. This approach, inspired by my positive life skills coaching, helps maintain balance while working towards your aspirations.

2. Prioritize YOU!

Remember that self-care is not a luxury; it's a necessity. Incorporate self-care routines into your daily life, even if they are brief moments. My coaching philosophy underscores the vital role of self-care in overall well-being, enabling you to recharge and stay focused amidst a busy schedule.

3. Don't Hesitate to Seek Assistance:

Consider one-on-one coaching services similar to the ones I offer. Coaches provide personalized insights, unwavering support, and effective strategies that can transform your approach to work-life balance and personal growth. Embracing professional guidance can be a significant game-changer in your journey toward balance and fulfillment.

Empowering Boss Life

How do you stay motivated and inspired, even in the face of adversity?

Kimberly KneCole: Staying motivated and inspired, even in the face of adversity, is a journey shaped by my understanding that motivation and resilience aren't the same. I recognize and embrace my vulnerability, shaped by my diagnosis of manic depression and anxiety. My transparency allows me to acknowledge the challenging days when coaching and unwavering positivity seem difficult. I prioritize honesty with myself, which drives my commitment to supporting other women.

I've come to understand that it's perfectly fine to embrace moments of sadness, allowing myself to shed tears and express my emotions. I acknowledge that not every day will be perfect, and I've learned to accept this truth. My dedication to authenticity remains unwavering. I believe in being genuine with myself, and this authenticity fuels my motivation. I understand that adversity is temporary, and through honesty, rest, and self-acceptance, women can always find the strength to overcome it.

Empowering Boss Life

What new projects or initiatives are you currently working on?

Kimberly KneCole: I'm delighted you asked! Here's the update:

In Winter 2023, we'll witness the full launch of Kimberly Kne’Cole Wellness. I'm excited to announce the upcoming release of a shadow work journal and book, where I'll share my personal journey of growth. Additionally, keep an eye out for the Femme Forward Project, our non-profit, which will be releasing and organizing events in the Houston area in Spring 2024!

Empowering Boss Life

What are your future goals and aspirations, both personally and professionally?

Kimberly KneCole: My future goals and aspirations are deeply rooted in my passion for supporting others on their healing journeys. I am thrilled to continue sharing my own healing journey openly, particularly to foster stronger connections with black and brown women. My commitment extends to aiding individuals within the LGBTQIA+ community who share my identity. I envision opening a wellness spa where I can make the tools and techniques I've used on my personal path to growth and healing accessible to others.

Additionally, on a personal note, I am in the midst of planning a wedding with the love of my life, scheduled for the spring of 2025. We are eagerly looking forward to this special moment and are hopeful about expanding our family in the near future. My aspirations involve not only professional success but also building a loving and supportive family environment.

Empowering Boss Life

What changes or advancements do you hope to see for women in your industry in the next 5-10 years?

Kimberly KneCole: In the next 5-10 years, I eagerly anticipate witnessing revolutionary changes in the coaching and philanthropy sectors, fostering empowerment for women and creating a profoundly inclusive environment. I am optimistic about several significant developments that are set to take place. The first of these is the increased focus on improving representation in leadership positions, especially for women of color. This move will not only inspire but also provide much-needed support to emerging female leaders. Secondly, I am hopeful that women will be granted equal opportunities to access funding, resources, and avenues to success that are currently available to their male counterparts.

By embracing diverse voices and perspectives, we can enhance these sectors and motivate women from different backgrounds to offer innovative solutions. Building supportive networks and mentorship programs will provide crucial guidance, fostering collaboration and professional growth. I am enthusiastic about witnessing impactful philanthropic initiatives led by women, addressing global issues and driving positive change. Recognizing and celebrating women's achievements will boost confidence and inspire future generations. Tailored education and training programs will empower women, enhancing their skills and expertise. Lastly, promoting work-life integration will enable women to pursue fulfilling careers in coaching and philanthropy while balancing personal responsibilities effectively. These advancements will create a more equitable and inclusive future, amplifying the positive impact women can make on society.

Empowering Boss Life

What do you envision for the future of women in your industry, and how do you plan to contribute to that vision?

Kimberly KneCole: I envision a future where women business owners flourish across diverse industries. To contribute to this vision, I actively mentor aspiring women entrepreneurs, champion equal opportunities, and promote tailored networking and educational initiatives. Furthermore, my philanthropic endeavors are dedicated to empowering women economically and socially, fostering supportive communities for mutual growth. My goal is to create a workplace that fosters the success of women in business by providing them with equal opportunities and a strong support system.

Empowering Boss Life

What advice would you give to women who are just starting out in your industry?

Kimberly KneCole: Here's straightforward advice for women starting in business:

  1. Find a mentor for guidance: Seek out experienced individuals in your field who can offer valuable insights and support.

  2. Embrace your unique perspective as an advantage: Your distinct viewpoint can be a powerful asset. Embrace it and use it to your advantage in your business endeavors.

  3. Advocate for yourself in all situations: Don't hesitate to speak up and assert your worth, both in professional and personal contexts. Your voice matters.

  4. Build relationships through networking: Cultivate meaningful connections within your industry. Networking can open doors to opportunities and collaborations.

  5. Invest in your education and skills: Stay updated with industry trends and continuously enhance your skills. Knowledge is a key driver of success.

  6. Support and collaborate with other women in business: Lift each other up. Collaborate and support fellow women entrepreneurs. Together, you can achieve remarkable things.

  7. Be resilient in the face of challenges: Challenges are inevitable. Develop resilience to overcome obstacles and emerge stronger on the other side.

  8. Prioritize self-care for well-being: Your well-being is paramount. Take care of your physical and mental health to maintain the energy and focus needed for your business pursuits.

  9. Advocate for equal opportunities: Champion equal opportunities for women in the workplace. Be a vocal advocate for fairness and inclusivity.

  10. Stay true to your goals and values: Define your goals and uphold your values. Let them guide your decisions and actions as you navigate your professional journey.

Empowering Boss Life

How have you continued to empower and inspire other women in your industry or community?

Kimberly KneCole: I continue to empower and inspire other women in my industry and community by actively engaging with my community every day, both online and in person within my city. Regardless of my location, my unwavering morals and values guide my interactions, allowing me to serve as a consistent source of support, encouragement, and inspiration for other women. By engaging in heartfelt discussions, providing mentorship, and setting a positive example, I work towards nurturing a feeling of empowerment and solidarity among women. My aim is to inspire them to embrace their capabilities, bolster their self-assurance, and pursue their aspirations with conviction.

Empowering Boss Life

Lastly, what message would you like to share with the Empowering Boss Life community and its readers?

Kimberly KneCole: I have a message that I would like to share with the Empowering Boss Life community and its readers: "Believe in yourself and never give up! All the resources you need to achieve your goals are within your reach. It may take time and effort, but success is waiting for you on the other side of any challenges that may arise."
