October 2023

Welcome to the October 2023 Issue of Empowering Boss Life Magazine, where the essence of entrepreneurship and leadership shines brightly. In this empowering edition, we proudly feature remarkable women who epitomize resilience, creativity, and ambition. From Gwendolyn's determination to Courtney's entrepreneurial spirit, each feature encapsulates the spirit of empowerment and achievement. Welcome to a world where passion meets purpose and dreams are transformed into reality.

Aurielle Mosley

Trailblazing Women

Empowering Boss Life

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your background?

Aurielle Mosley: My name is Aurielle Mosley, and I come from a family of educators, athletes, and creatives. I am one of five siblings. Currently, I am a secondary level teacher, deeply passionate about education. I also own a company dedicated to teaching fundamental educational principles and empowering the youth to realize their limitless potential. My aspiration is to expand my brand and become the top choice nationwide in the field of education. Moreover, I am currently engaged in the development of an educational tour. My goal is to craft an enchanting experience that inspires individuals to adopt my perspective and actively participate in the authentic delight of the educational process.

Empowering Boss Life

If you have a business, could you describe it and how you started it?

Aurielle Mosley: In 2018, I found myself helping a student with their coursework. It didn't take long for me to realize that this young teen was struggling to identify even the basic letters of the alphabet. In that instant, I resolved to take proactive steps and contribute to the solution. My initial intention was to create a simple booklet to teach the alphabet to this student. However, as in that instant, I resolved to take proactive steps and contribute to the solution. From its humble beginnings of simply teaching the basics of the alphabet, this idea has flourished into a successful and widely respected brand that is recognized by many.

Empowering Boss Life

What challenges have you faced as a woman in your field, and how have you overcome them?

Aurielle Mosley: As a woman in my field, I have realized that the greatest obstacle to my success often begins within me. I often grapple with self- doubt, questioning whether my actions are right and if I'm approaching things correctly. When these doubts arise, I've learned to step back, allowing my mind to clear before returning to the task. Another significant hurdle is convincing others of the critical importance of this company and brand. In a world filled with numerous distractions, making education a top priority becomes challenging. To counter this, I remind myself of the saying, "farmers who only plant in fair weather or timing will never harvest." This mantra motivates me to persist, regardless of the difficulties. I keep plowing forward, trusting that with time and perseverance, the harvest will come.

Empowering Boss Life

What accomplishments are you most proud of since being featured in Empowering Boss Life magazine?

Aurielle Mosley: My most remarkable achievement following my feature in Empowering Boss Life magazine is my sustained relevance and active status, demonstrating that I persist in serving a significant purpose and exerting substantial influence. Additionally, I am dedicating considerable effort to an ambitious national tour with EMA. Once the tour is in full swing, it will undoubtedly mark the most remarkable accomplishment of my career thus far.

Empowering Boss Life

How have you continued to empower and mentor other women in your industry?

Aurielle Mosley: Throughout my career, I have made it a priority to empower and mentor women in my industry. I advocate for the sharing of knowledge. It is my responsibility to pass on valuable information to others. I have learned that sharing knowledge is not only essential in business, but also in building meaningful relationships. By actively sharing my expertise, experiences, and insights, I strive to uplift and support other women in their professional journeys. In doing so, my aspiration is to foster a community where we all thrive through mutual growth and empowerment.

Empowering Boss Life

Could you share an impactful story or experience that has shaped your journey and outlook on life?

Aurielle Mosley: During my teenage years, I faced a significant challenge as an athlete. In a move that seemed utterly irrational to many, I decided to step away from my sport during what should have been my prime years. At the time, the decision was met with doubt from others, but looking back, it proved to be one of the most gratifying choices I've ever made.

The turning point came when a teammate's mother took the time to impart a valuable lesson about perseverance. She helped me understand that the essence of the lesson extended far beyond the realm of sports. She motivated me to navigate through the tumult, reassuring me that a gratifying outcome awaited— even if it required stepping away from the familiar.

Her insights helped me understand that the decision belonged to me. It was perfectly acceptable to feel at ease with it. As an adult and now a business owner, I often reflect on that pivotal moment. Her guidance serves as a guiding light, empowering me to make challenging yet necessary decisions in my professional life. She taught me the importance of trusting my instincts and having the courage to embrace unconventional paths, reminding me that sometimes, the most impactful decisions are the ones that others might not immediately understand.

Empowering Boss Life

How has your life and career evolved since being featured in Empowering Boss Life magazine?

Aurielle Mosley: Since being featured in Empowering Boss Life magazine, my life and career have continued to progress steadily. I am still on the right path, moving toward the best opportunities. I remain appreciative and deeply grateful for the experiences and opportunities that have come into my life.

Empowering Boss Life

What have you learned about yourself and your leadership style since being featured in Empowering Boss Life magazine?

Aurielle Mosley: Since being featured in Empowering Boss Life magazine, I have gained valuable insights about myself and my leadership style. I've come to acknowledge that as a leader, my primary duty is to engage in active listening. Understanding the voices, opinions, and preferences of others has become my top priority. This awareness has significantly shaped my approach to leadership, emphasizing the importance of genuine comprehension and empathy in guiding my team effectively.

Empowering Boss Life

How have you continued to challenge yourself and grow as a leader?

Aurielle Mosley: I often challenge myself by embracing opportunities that initially seem grand or out of reach, recognizing that these moments are essential for personal and professional growth. As a human and business owner, I understand that stepping out of my comfort zone is crucial for becoming the best version of myself. I consistently stretch my limits, nurturing innovation and resilience in my leadership style. This mindset has allowed me to grow as a leader, adapt to changing circumstances, and ultimately contribute positively to the success of projects while ensuring their continual advancement.

Empowering Boss Life

What does being an empowering boss mean to you, and how do you strive to embody that in your everyday life and interactions with others?

Aurielle Mosley: Being an empowering boss, in my view, involves acknowledging that empowerment serves as both a gift and a valuable tool. I view empowerment as a precious gift because it has the potential to transform individuals, enabling them to tap into their capabilities. Simultaneously, empowerment is a tool that can be extended to others as a resource for growth and expansion. I believe sharing these gifts and tools with others is a blessing, fostering an environment where everyone can thrive.

I strive to embody this perspective by emphasizing trust and leadership over mere authority in my everyday life and interactions with others. Unlike traditional "bossing," which tends to be directive, I approach leadership as a tool for nurturing and guidance. I aim to create a supportive atmosphere where individuals feel encouraged to explore their potential, make decisions, and learn from their experiences. By being a leader of trust, I provide the space for others to flourish, using empowerment as both a gift and a tool to facilitate their personal and professional growth.

Empowering Boss Life

How do you prioritize self-care and maintaining a healthy work-life balance? what tips can you offer other busy women?

Aurielle Mosley: Prioritizing self-care and maintaining a healthy work-life balance begins with recognizing that I am a self-first individual. This perspective doesn't imply selfishness; instead, it acknowledges that I cannot be good or great in any aspect of my life if I neglect my well-being. I wholeheartedly commit to a schedule that I create to protect and nurture my mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. I understand that the environment around me can only be as positive and nurturing as I am to myself. Starting with self-care is my fundamental principle, and I believe other busy women can benefit by embracing this mindset. By setting boundaries, honoring personal needs, and making self-care a non-negotiable part of their routines, they can achieve a healthier work-life balance and overall well-being. Remember, self-care is not selfish; it's a vital investment in one's own happiness and fulfillment.

Empowering Boss Life

How do you stay motivated and inspired, even in the face of adversity?

Aurielle Mosley: I stay motivated and inspired, even in the face of adversity, through a constant change of scenery. I firmly believe in changing what doesn't work. Stepping away allows me to gain different perspectives, and I use cooling-off periods as moments of relaxation and rejuvenation. This process helps me maintain my motivation and find inspiration, enabling me to tackle challenges with renewed vigor and creativity.

Empowering Boss Life

What new projects or initiatives are you currently working on?

Aurielle Mosley: Currently, I am in the midst of planning a world tour specifically designed for children through my company, which focuses on providing services for kids. I am excitedly gearing up to showcase the endless possibilities that await the younger generation.

Empowering Boss Life

What are your future goals and aspirations, both personally and professionally?

Aurielle Mosley: My future goals and aspirations involve a steadfast determination to avoid compromise in my personal life. Professionally, my aim is to enhance and magnify every aspect that improves after my service or presence. I strive for continuous growth and meaningful impact in my personal and professional endeavors.

Empowering Boss Life

What changes or advancements do you hope to see for women in your industry in the next 5-10 years?

Aurielle Mosley: I hope to witness a significant increase in the accessibility of opportunities for women within our industry. My aspiration is to see women uniting, forming a resilient force and soaring together with the shared purpose of uplifting the next generation. This collective effort, driven by strength and determination, can pave the way for substantial advancements and equality for women in the next 5-10 years.

Empowering Boss Life

What do you envision for the future of women in your industry, and how do you plan to contribute to that vision?

Aurielle Mosley: I envision a future where women are at the forefront of shattering glass ceilings in my industry. I intend to actively contribute to this vision by bringing someone with me at every stage of my journey. I am dedicated to mentoring and empowering women, providing them with the support and guidance they need to excel and break barriers. I strive to foster a more inclusive and diverse environment. My goal is to empower women by encouraging them and providing the support they need to achieve greater heights in their careers.

Empowering Boss Life

What advice would you give to women who are just starting out in your industry?

Aurielle Mosley: To women embarking their careers in our industry, make integrity your top priority. In the face of difficult decisions that may challenge your values, morals, or beliefs, remember the lesson of the turtle and stay true to yourself. Upholding your integrity and character is essential for achieving long-term success in this field, and it will serve as a guiding light through any obstacles that may come your way. By maintaining your commitment to integrity, you will remain afloat and achieve your goals.

Empowering Boss Life

How have you continued to empower and inspire other women in your industry or community?

Aurielle Mosley: In my efforts to empower and inspire other women in my industry or community, I have embraced the principle of inclusivity, where no person is left behind. By fostering an environment that values and includes everyone, regardless of gender, I have worked towards creating equal opportunities and supporting the growth and success of all individuals. Inclusivity is not just a phrase; it is a commitment to ensuring that every woman, regardless of her background, has the chance to shine and thrive in both professional and community settings. Through mentorship, advocacy, and creating networks, I have strived to make inclusivity the cornerstone of my efforts, empowering and inspiring women to reach their full potential.

Empowering Boss Life

Lastly, what message would you like to share with the Empowering Boss Life community and its readers?

Aurielle Mosley: Finally, allow me to impart a compelling message to the Empowering Boss Life community and its readers: "I think, therefore I am. I can, therefore, I will. If I am alive, then it is possible. The difficulty of this is not greater than who I am. I am a champion." Embrace these affirmations and believe in your potential, for your thoughts shape your reality, and with determination, you can overcome any challenge and emerge victorious.
