October 2023

Welcome to the October 2023 Issue of Empowering Boss Life Magazine, where the essence of entrepreneurship and leadership shines brightly. In this empowering edition, we proudly feature remarkable women who epitomize resilience, creativity, and ambition. From Gwendolyn's determination to Courtney's entrepreneurial spirit, each feature encapsulates the spirit of empowerment and achievement. Welcome to a world where passion meets purpose and dreams are transformed into reality.

Tyanna Horton

Trailblazing Women

Empowering Boss Life

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your background?

Tyanna Horton: I'm a 25-year-old ATLien, a mother to two wonderful boys, an entrepreneur, and currently a student pursuing esthetics. I was raised in a health-conscious household where specific foods were off-limits, and my family regularly practiced detoxing. Back then, I didn't fully understand why my mom insisted on these habits, but looking back, I'm incredibly grateful for the foundation she provided.

Empowering Boss Life

If you have a business, could you describe it and how you started it?

Tyanna Horton: I have a spiritual and holistic wellness brand that I established because of my deep-rooted connection to spirituality, nurtured since my childhood. It felt natural for me to continue these practices into adulthood and share these rituals with others. In 2021, my youngest son struggled with severe baby eczema, and I was dissatisfied with the steroid cream prescribed by his pediatrician. My son experience led me to delve into the study of herbs, and as a result, I created my first holistic and herbal soap bar to address his condition. Witnessing the remarkable improvement in his eczema, I decided to expand my offerings and introduced my Holistic Skincare Collection under my brand.

Empowering Boss Life

What challenges have you faced as a woman in your field, and how have you overcome them?

Tyanna Horton: The challenges I have faced as a woman in my field revolve around maintaining self-belief, especially when faced with minimal online support. Navigating the rapidly changing landscape of the new social media era has been particularly challenging, often leaving me feeling disheartened and overwhelmed. Despite these obstacles, I have persevered. I refuse to succumb to discouragement, choosing instead to fight back and remain steadfast. I have learned to embrace my own pace and continue pushing forward, determined to overcome the challenges and carve my path in the digital realm.

Empowering Boss Life

What accomplishments are you most proud of since being featured in Empowering Boss Life magazine?

Tyanna Horton: Since being featured in Empowering Boss Life magazine, I am most proud of the recognition my brand has received from two other magazines I have published with. Experiencing acknowledgment and being heard is truly gratifying, as it illuminates my mission for others to witness in the spotlight.

Empowering Boss Life

How have you continued to empower and mentor other women in your industry?

Tyanna Horton: I have been empowering and mentoring other women in my industry by actively participating in networking events, where I engage with fellow women entrepreneurs who are launching their businesses. I provide extensive support by patronizing their stores and endorsing their ventures to my contacts. Furthermore, I make it a point to provide valuable advice and guidance, especially to individuals navigating the early phases of launching their businesses. Through these efforts, I aim to foster a supportive community and facilitate the growth of aspiring women entrepreneurs in the industry.

Empowering Boss Life

Could you share an impactful story or experience that has shaped your journey and outlook on life?

Tyanna Horton: Becoming a mom has undeniably been the most influential experience that has profoundly shaped my journey and perspective on life. Having little ones who rely on you and look up to you is an experience that brings a unique sense of responsibility and purpose. This responsibility became even more significant due to my concerns about the healthcare system in the U.S., which I strongly disagree with and do not recommend. As a result, I have become incredibly vigilant about my own health and the health of my children. I firmly advocate the principle of "eating to live, not living to eat," emphasizing the importance of a healthy lifestyle and mindful nutrition for my family's well-being. This experience has not only made me more health-conscious but has also instilled in me a deep sense of advocacy for the well-being of my loved ones, shaping my outlook on life in a profound way.

Empowering Boss Life

How has your life and career evolved since being featured in Empowering Boss Life magazine?

Tyanna Horton: The spotlight in Empowering Boss Life Magazine has propelled my career to new heights. My brand's reach has expanded, enabling a wider audience to engage with both me and the mission I aim to fulfill. This increased exposure has opened doors to valuable opportunities and a larger platform, allowing me to share my expertise and passion with an even broader audience. This experience has significantly influenced the course of my professional journey, shaping it in profound and meaningful ways.

Empowering Boss Life

What have you learned about yourself and your leadership style since being featured in Empowering Boss Life magazine?

Tyanna Horton: Being featured in Empowering Boss Life magazine, I have learned the importance of patience and trusting in divine timing. I've realized that my journey has its own pace, and I need to embrace that. Additionally, I've discovered the significance of being my authentic, Wholistic Self consistently. Instead of following trends, I focus on being genuine, and I've noticed that people are more supportive when I stay true to my authentic self and work in alignment with divine timing.

Empowering Boss Life

How have you continued to challenge yourself and grow as a leader?

Tyanna Horton: I have challenged myself by embracing a continuous process of unlearning and relearning, not just in my professional life but also in understanding the intricacies of life and our habits. I've made it a priority to show myself more love and prioritize self-care, recognizing that I function at my best when I am fully aligned physically, mentally, and emotionally. This journey of self-discovery and self-improvement has significantly contributed to my growth as a leader.

Empowering Boss Life

What does being an empowering boss mean to you, and how do you strive to embody that in your everyday life and interactions with others?

Tyanna Horton: Being an empowering boss, to me, means embracing my authentic self and inspiring others to do the same. It involves not only articulating intentions but also backing up words with consistent actions. As a boss, it's about taking ownership of your own success and happiness while encouraging others to do the same. I believe in leading by example, demonstrating the values I advocate, and fostering an environment where everyone feels empowered to be their true, whole selves. In my everyday interactions, I strive to uplift and support my team, fostering a culture of collaboration, growth, and mutual respect. Being an empowering boss is not just a role; it's a commitment to creating a positive and inclusive space where everyone can thrive and contribute their best.

Empowering Excellence

Empowering Boss Life

How do you prioritize self-care and maintaining a healthy work-life balance? what tips can you offer other busy women?

Tyanna Horton: I prioritize self-care by grounding myself, spending time in nature, and embracing stillness to clarify my thoughts. Writing down or vocalizing my thoughts helps me gain clarity. To other busy women, I recommend setting clear boundaries for yourself and those around you. Make time to decompress and breathe, ensuring you prioritize your well-being amid your busy schedule.

Empowering Boss Life

How do you stay motivated and inspired, even in the face of adversity?

Tyanna Horton: I stay motivated and inspired by reconnecting with my inner child. Engaging in activities I am passionate about and living according to my beliefs fuels my motivation. I refuse to let societal discouragement deter me from pursuing what I love. This unwavering dedication keeps me inspired even in the face of adversity.

Empowering Boss Life

What new projects or initiatives are you currently working on?

Tyanna Horton: I am currently immersed in my journey to become a licensed esthetician, diligently studying the intricacies of skincare. I am halfway through the program and eagerly anticipating my entry into the beauty professional industry. Additionally, I am working towards becoming a licensed herbalist and have established a Neighborhood Farmacy under my brand. Furthermore, I am pursuing my bachelor's degree in cosmetic chemistry. My primary objective is to guarantee everyone's well-being, driven by my unwavering commitment to mastering my craft and developing secure, holistic, and natural products.

Empowering Boss Life

What are your future goals and aspirations, both personally and professionally?

Tyanna Horton: My future goals personally revolve around maintaining alignment, discipline, and organization in all my endeavors. I aspire to uphold boundaries with both myself and those around me. In my professional pursuits, I aim to honor all my commitments, including acquiring essential licenses and broadening my expertise across different domains. Additionally, I aim to acquire knowledge and establish a strong foundation for business credit to enhance my professional ventures.

Empowering Boss Life

What changes or advancements do you hope to see for women in your industry in the next 5-10 years?

Tyanna Horton: I would love to witness a significant shift where women, especially my melanin queens, seize control over their bodies and health, liberating themselves from the constraints imposed by the current system. In the next 5-10 years, I hope for a transformative change where women are empowered to make informed choices, access quality healthcare, and break free from societal pressures, fostering a culture of self-empowerment and holistic well-being.

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WELL Being

Empowering Boss Life

What do you envision for the future of women in your industry, and how do you plan to contribute to that vision?

Tyanna Horton: The vision I see for the future of women in my industry revolves around building a strong sense of community and sisterhood. I believe that by fostering connections and supporting one another, women can achieve remarkable milestones together. My plan is to contribute to this vision by continuing to actively engage with people in my industry, both online and in person. I will nurture relationships, share knowledge, and provide mentorship whenever possible. Through these efforts, I aim to create a supportive environment where women can thrive, learn from each other, and collectively shape the future of our industry.

Empowering Boss Life

What advice would you give to women who are just starting out in your industry?

Tyanna Horton: To women who are just starting out in my industry, I would advise: Invest ample time in your learning and growth, commit yourself to thorough study and grasp the complexities of the field. Have faith that things will unfold in divine timing; sometimes, opportunities may not align with your immediate expectations, but trust in the process. Enjoy the journey, recognizing that not everything will happen on your desired timeline. Tenacity is crucial – if this is genuinely your passion, don't ever surrender. Keep going, keep learning, and keep pushing forward. Success often comes to those who persevere with dedication and unwavering determination.

Empowering Boss Life

How have you continued to empower and inspire other women in your industry or community?

Tyanna Horton: Yes, I empower those around me every day by sharing affirmations and words of encouragement when they are needed. I believe in the power of positive reinforcement, and I strive to create a supportive environment where women in my industry or community feel motivated and inspired to pursue their goals. Through my words and actions, I aim to uplift others and help them recognize their own potential and worth.

Empowering Boss Life

Lastly, what message would you like to share with the Empowering Boss Life community and its readers?

Tyanna Horton: Lastly, I would like to share a message with the Empowering Boss Life community and its readers: Always embrace your authentic, holistic self! Remember, your mind, body, and spirit are interconnected, forming a unified whole. Healing and growth require addressing all aspects simultaneously. Stay true to yourself, stay focused, and avoid getting entangled in societal pressures or distractions. Stay connected to your true essence and embrace the journey towards self-discovery and empowerment.
