October 2023

Welcome to the October 2023 Issue of Empowering Boss Life Magazine, where the essence of entrepreneurship and leadership shines brightly. In this empowering edition, we proudly feature remarkable women who epitomize resilience, creativity, and ambition. From Gwendolyn's determination to Courtney's entrepreneurial spirit, each feature encapsulates the spirit of empowerment and achievement. Welcome to a world where passion meets purpose and dreams are transformed into reality.

Sherrika Myers

Trailblazing Women

Empowering Boss Life

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your background?

Sherrika Myers: I am the Founder and Executive Director of Every 1 Voice Matters. Additionally, I am a three- time Children's Book Author, a Certified Life Coach for Kids, a Certified Eric Thomas National Speaker, and the creative mind behind Lil Herbie Tha Mascot and The Lil Herbie Animated Series.

Empowering Boss Life

If you have a business, could you describe it and how you started it?

Sherrika Myers: Certainly, I am the Founder and Executive Director of Every 1 Voice Matters, a nonprofit organization rooted in my personal struggle with stuttering during my formative years. Having faced ridicule and marginalization, I found solace in reading aloud, a practice that eventually empowered me. This turning point occurred when I realized my own grandson was grappling with the same speech impediment.

Motivated by this revelation, I returned to education, earned my degree, and founded Every 1 Voice Matters. Our nonprofit is dedicated to supporting at-risk youth in overcoming obstacles hindering their personal growth. Our core mission revolves around the transformative influence of storytelling and fostering a positive mindset.

Empowering Boss Life

What challenges have you faced as a woman in your field, and how have you overcome them?

Sherrika Myers: Establishing a nonprofit focused on at-risk youth as an African American woman comes with unique challenges due to the stigma attached to the term "at-risk." Some people misunderstand it as having no potential. My primary goal is to engage with these youths, instilling in them a sense of self-worth and potential. I work tirelessly to change the perceptions of others, emphasizing the inherent value in these individuals. Despite persistent challenges, my determination remains unwavering. I firmly believe that altering mindsets can offer each person an opportunity for positive change.

Empowering Boss Life

What accomplishments are you most proud of since being featured in Empowering Boss Life magazine?

Sherrika Myers: After being featured in Empowering Boss Life Magazine, I am filled with immense pride as I publish my third book, "Herbie's New Friend," as part of The Lil Herbie Series Book Collection. Additionally, I expanded the Lil Herbie Animated Series for kids by creating more educational videos. Moreover, I achieved certification as a Life Coach for Kids, enabling me to establish my own coaching program tailored for children.

Empowering Boss Life

How have you continued to empower and mentor other women in your industry?

Sherrika Myers: In my ongoing journey, I've made empowering and mentoring women in my industry a continuous commitment. I understand the power of unity and have actively participated in initiatives fostering a supportive network. Through speaking engagements and workshops, I share my experiences to offer guidance and encouragement. Leading by example, advocating for change, and nurturing a sense of community, I contribute to the empowerment and mentorship of women in my field, paving the way for their growth and success.

Empowering Boss Life

Could you share an impactful story or experience that has shaped your journey and outlook on life?

Sherrika Myers: A few years ago, I faced a situation that profoundly changed my perspective. I was entrusted with a daunting project that seemed nearly impossible to overcome. Despite my experience, self-doubt and anxiety crept in, making me question my abilities. Thankfully, a senior colleague noticed my struggle and extended a helping hand. She shared a personal story from her early career, recalling a similar daunting task she once faced. She emphasized that self-doubt and anxiety are natural, not signs of failure but stepping stones toward growth. With her guidance, I tackled the project with renewed determination and hard work, eventually overcoming the challenges and achieving success.

This experience left a lasting impact, teaching me the value of seeking help, learning from those with more experience, and supporting one another. I recognized that our paths are enhanced by the stories we share, and obstacles serve as chances for growth, not obstacles in our way. Since then, I've carried this perspective, guiding me both professionally and personally. I've strived to mentor and inspire others, encouraging them to persevere through their own challenges.

Empowering Boss Life

How has your life and career evolved since being featured in Empowering Boss Life magazine?

Sherrika Myers: After being featured in Empowering Boss Life magazine, I have had the opportunity to connect with professionals from diverse fields. It's been an incredibly fulfilling experience to see how my journey and achievements have motivated others to pursue their goals. The exposure from the feature has not only unlocked new opportunities but also broadened my network within my industry.

Empowering Boss Life

What have you learned about yourself and your leadership style since being featured in Empowering Boss Life magazine?

Sherrika Myers: Since my feature in Empowering Boss Life magazine, I've embarked on a profound journey of self-discovery and leadership growth. The experience illuminated key aspects of my character and leadership style, prompting me to refine and evolve my approach. One significant lesson I've learned is the importance of authenticity. The feature allowed me to share my story openly and transparently, and I witnessed the positive impact of genuine storytelling. This realization underscored the value of leading with authenticity, as it not only resonates with others but also fosters genuine connections and trust.

Moreover, the recognition highlighted my ability to inspire and motivate others. Seeing the response from readers who were inspired by my journey made me recognize the powerful ripple effect of leadership. This awareness has reinforced my commitment to uplifting and empowering those around me, emphasizing the significance of leading by example and being a source of inspiration.

Empowering Boss Life

How have you continued to challenge yourself and grow as a leader?

Sherrika Myers: Throughout my leadership journey, I have consistently dedicated myself to personal growth and development. I view leadership as an ongoing journey of self-improvement and adaptability. To foster this growth, I actively engage in embracing new opportunities, prioritize continuous learning, seek mentorship and coaching, contribute back to the community, exhibit resilience through challenges, take calculated risks, and set ambitious goals. These endeavors reflect my unwavering dedication to challenging myself and evolving as a leader.

Empowering Boss Life

What does being an empowering boss mean to you, and how do you strive to embody that in your everyday life and interactions with others?

Sherrika Myers: Being an empowering boss, to me, transcends conventional leadership roles; it involves nurturing a space where individuals are motivated, supported, and empowered to achieve their utmost potential. This means acknowledging the unique strengths of each team member and equipping them with the tools and opportunities necessary for their success.

In my daily interactions, I adhere to several guiding principles. Firstly, I foster open communication, valuing transparent dialogue and actively listening to my team, ensuring their voices are heard and respected. Recognition and acknowledgment are pivotal; I celebrate big and small achievements, boosting morale and emphasizing the value of hard work. Delegation and trust are Key; I entrust responsibilities, instilling a sense of ownership and confidence among my team members. Additionally, I prioritize their professional development, offering mentorship and learning opportunities to enhance their skills.

Setting clear, meaningful goals in collaboration with my team provides direction, and I champion diversity, fostering an inclusive environment where different perspectives fuel innovative solutions. Flexibility and setting the right example are paramount. I promote creative problem-solving, ensuring a delicate equilibrium between support and challenge, urging my team to stretch their boundaries and explore beyond their comfort zones. Empathy and compassion guide my approach, understanding personal and professional needs, building trust and strengthening relationships. Celebrating the diversity within my team enriches our collective experience.

Ultimately, being an empowering boss means creating a valued, motivating environment where individuals are inspired to contribute their best work. Through embodying these principles, I aim to inspire my team to excel, encouraging them to reach their fullest potential.

Empowering Boss Life

How do you prioritize self-care and maintaining a healthy work-life balance? what tips can you offer other busy women?

Sherrika Myers: Prioritizing self-care and achieving a healthy work-life balance are vital for personal well- being and professional success. For busy women, it's crucial to establish clear boundaries, plan effectively, learn to say no, engage in self- reflection, practice mindfulness, and disconnect from work occasionally.

Recognize that finding the right work-life balance is a continual effort, demanding adaptability and openness to change. Every individual's path is distinct, so customize these strategies to your requirements. By emphasizing self-care and setting boundaries, you can navigate a fulfilling and harmonious life amidst your busy schedule.

Empowering Boss Life

How do you stay motivated and inspired, even in the face of adversity?

Sherrika Myers: Maintaining motivation and inspiration in the face of adversity requires adopting various strategies. First and foremost, setting meaningful goals that resonate with your values and passions provides a solid foundation for motivation. It's essential to focus on the bigger picture, visualizing the long-term impact of your efforts even amidst immediate challenges. Positive self-talk plays a crucial role; replace negativity with affirmations highlighting your strengths and past achievements, reinforcing your ability to overcome obstacles.

Breaking daunting tasks into smaller, manageable steps is key. Achieving these smaller goals boosts a sense of accomplishment, fueling motivation. Building resilience is vital; cultivate an adaptable mindset, embracing change as a natural part of growth and viewing challenges as opportunities to become stronger. To maintain your motivation, limit exposure to negative news or toxic environments that drain your energy, surrounding yourself with positivity whenever possible.

Grant yourself permission to take breaks when needed; stepping away from challenges temporarily can rejuvenate your focus. Regularly reflecting on your journey and acknowledging the progress made is essential. Reframe challenges as stepping stones toward growth, emphasizing the lessons learned. Remember, motivation fluctuates; these strategies serve as guiding lights during challenging times, enabling you to navigate obstacles and sustain your determination to reach your goals.

Empowering Boss Life

What are your future goals and aspirations, both personally and professionally?

Sherrika Myers: My future goals and aspirations revolve around the continued growth of the Lil Herbie Series Brand on a national scale. I am committed to creating a diverse range of Lil Herbie items that not only educate children but also nurture crucial social skills. This endeavor is meaningful, as it blends education with character development, positively influencing youngminds.

To realize these goals, I plan to expand the Lil Herbie Series' reach through various platforms, including social media, educational events, and collaborations with schools and community organizations. I strongly believe in providing diverse content that addresses children's education and development, tailored to different age groups and needs.

Interactive learning is paramount. I aim to develop resources that actively engage children, promoting hands-on learning. This could encompass activity books, games, workshops, and digital tools to encourage participation and creativity.

Empowering Boss Life

What changes or advancements do you hope to see for women in your industry in the next 5-10 years?

Sherrika Myers: In the next 5-10 years, I aspire to witness a significant increase in women's participation in the nonprofit sector and in leadership roles.

Empowering Boss Life

What do you envision for the future of women in your industry, and how do you plan to contribute to that vision?

Sherrika Myers: I imagine a future for women in my industry marked by diversity, where women rise to leadership positions and their contributions are esteemed at every level. I envision an environment where gender equality is the norm, where women are recognized for their expertise, and where their unique perspectives fuel innovation and advancement.

To contribute to this vision, I plan to take the following steps:

Speaking Engagements: I will participate in speaking engagements, panels, and workshops, engaging in discussions about women's experiences in the industry. Sharing insights aims to raise awareness and advocate for gender equality.

Mentorship and Support: I am dedicated to mentoring and supporting women at various career stages. By sharing my experiences, offering guidance, and creating a safe environment for discussions, I empower women to overcome challenges and attain their professional aspirations.

Ultimately, my commitment lies in actively shaping the future of women in my industry. Through advocacy, support, and leading by example, I strive to contribute to a more equitable and inclusive landscape where the potential of women is fully realized.

Empowering Boss Life

What advice would you give to women who are just starting out in your industry?

Sherrika Myers: Persist. If you believe in your vision, never give up.

‘Empowering Boss Life

How have you continued to empower and inspire other women in your industry or community?

Sherrika Myers: Empowering and inspiring other women in my industry and community is at the core of my mission. I've implemented various intentional strategies to attain this objective. To start, I have enthusiastically taken on mentoring responsibilities, leveraging my experiences and insights to assist women in effectively navigating their careers and pursuing their passions. Additionally, I've openly shared my personal journey, highlighting both triumphs and challenges, aiming to inspire others to persevere in the face of obstacles. Creating networking opportunities has been another initiative, organizing events that allow women to connect, collaborate, and share their expertise. Moreover, I've initiated collaborative projects, fostering a sense of community and leveraging the collective strengths of participants. Providing a listening ear and unwavering support, I've offered empathy and understanding to those in need, building trust and meaningful connections. Through these actions, I am dedicated to cultivating a supportive environment where women can flourish, collaborate, and magnify their influence. I firmly believe that by empowering one another, we can collectively drive positive change both within our industry and in the broadercommunity.

Empowering Boss Life

Lastly, what message would you like to share with the Empowering Boss Life community and its readers?

Sherrika Myers: "Empowerment is the art of giving people the tools they need to succeed, and then believing in them enough to step back and let them soar." Soar like an Eagle, believing in your capabilities and embracing the power within you to achieve remarkable heights. Empowering Boss Life community, let us continue to uplift and support one another on this inspiring journey of growth and success. Together, we can achieve greatness.