October 2023

Welcome to the October 2023 Issue of Empowering Boss Life Magazine, where the essence of entrepreneurship and leadership shines brightly. In this empowering edition, we proudly feature remarkable women who epitomize resilience, creativity, and ambition. From Gwendolyn's determination to Courtney's entrepreneurial spirit, each feature encapsulates the spirit of empowerment and achievement. Welcome to a world where passion meets purpose and dreams are transformed into reality.

Natasha Harris

Bold Moves

Empowering Boss Life

Tell us about Yourself.

Natasha Harris: Greetings, my sisters!

I am Natasha Harris, a woman on a mission to fulfill God's calling. Proudly, I wear multiple hats – I am a devoted wife, a nurturing mother, a dedicated coach, a guiding mentor, a published author, a YouVersion Partner, and a healthcare leader, among other roles. Hailing from the vibrant city of Shreveport, LA, and raised in the charming town of Tyler, Texas, I embody the essence of city and country living.

I find myself in a transformative season, where I am being stretched and led to expand my horizons, accomplish more, and spread positivity far and wide. One of my deepest aspirations is to be a beacon of positivity, leaving a lasting impact on the lives of everyone I serve or encounter. This journey of making a positive difference is ongoing, and I am not only here for it but also fully prepared to embrace every challenge and triumph it brings my way.

Empowering Boss Life

Tell us about Your Business.

Natasha Harris: I am deeply passionate about my business ventures, currently managing two and working on a third (but shhh, it's a secret!). Firstly, I co-own and serve as the Head Cheer Coach of Wolfpack Basketball & Cheer LLC, a for-profit organization established with my husband, Aaron. Our mission goes beyond sports; we aim to nurture our youth into champions of life. Rooted in our Christian beliefs, we emphasize the importance of God in everything we do. Our athletes not only compete but also engage in acts of service, become youth leaders in their communities, prioritize academic excellence, and foster lasting friendships. Being able to positively influence the lives of our youth daily is incredibly fulfilling, and I cherish every moment of it.

Additionally, I am a proud BODi Fitness Partner, a role that has brought unexpected blessings into my life. This partnership has transformed me spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally — elements in achieving and maintaining fitness goals. The realization that a holistic approach is necessary changed the game for me. As a BODi Fitness Partner, I not only share my health and wellness journey on my platforms but also collaborate with other women seeking an extra layer of accountability on their fitness journeys. What excites me most about this role is the individuality of each person's fitness journey. You are the champion of your story; no one else can walk in your shoes. My role is to cheer you on, encouraging you to BELIEVE, ACHIEVE, RECEIVE, and PAY IT FORWARD. The genuine support is palpable, and those who truly know me understand that empowering others is one of my favorite traits.

Empowering Boss Life

How can you turn obstacles into opportunities?

Natasha Harris: I transform obstacles opportunities by altering perspective! I used to wonder, "Why me?" repeatedly, finding myself trapped in a cycle of similar decisions and outcomes. However, once I shifted my mindset to "Why not me?" and ask, "What can I learn from this?" everything changed. I firmly believe every season, challenge, pain, or circumstance has a purpose. When I encounter obstacles, I understand it's an opportunity to learn, preparing me for something in the future. These challenges may be to share my testimony, equip me for my next level, inspire others facing similar situations, or teach me a valuable lesson. In my view, obstacles might lead to a feeling of being stuck, while opportunities always whisper, "but there's more!" This philosophy extends to my businesses as well. Regardless of the challenges I face, whether progress is slow or I am not where I expect to be, prayer and faith in God guide me through even the toughest situations.

Empowering Boss Life

What and/or Who inspired you to follow your dream?

Natasha Harris: I find inspiration in both the "who" and the "what" aspects of my life. The people around me, especially my husband, family, and those I interact with daily, are my motivation. Regardless of my role, I am genuine and authentic, and it's through these interactions that I realize my purpose of aiding others. Witnessing the impact of a listening ear, the belief instilled in someone who doubted themselves, or simply walking alongside them in their journey brings me immense fulfillment. My passion lies in helping people; it's the genuine smiles, the belief in their potential, and the shared experiences that fuel my drive to make a difference.

Empowering Boss Life

What advice would you give to an upcoming Entrepreneur?

Natasha Harris: For budding entrepreneurs, guidance is condensed into a few essential principles. First and foremost, I emphasize the importance of prayer and seeking God's guidance. In a world where external opinions often dominate, grounding yourself in your faith and understanding your identity in Christ provides a solid foundation. While customer feedback and second opinions have their place, knowing your worth in God's eyes is paramount.

Additionally, I encourage entrepreneurs to believe in themselves wholeheartedly. Despite the pervasive notion that success requires a large team or extensive resources, it's crucial to maintain self-belief. You don't need an army behind you; consistency, authenticity, and staying true to your essence are what truly matter. People connect with you as an individual, so be genuine and authentic in your business endeavors.

Furthermore, celebrate every victory, no matter how small. Recognize the little milestones matter significantly in personal and business success. Lastly, authenticity is the linchpin of sustainability. Avoid the trap of trying to emulate someone else's success story. Your unique narrative, product, and reasons for starting your venture set you apart. Embrace your individuality, nurture it, believe in it, and infuse life through your words and actions. Remember, your authenticity is what will resonate most profoundly with others.

Empowering Boss Life

How would you define true entrepreneurship?

Natasha Harris: True entrepreneurship, in my view, transcends mere work; it's about embracing your gifts, talents, and uniqueness and sharing them with the world in a business form. It goes beyond a conventional job; it's a position or platform where you can pursue what you genuinely love in alignment with God's purpose for your life. It's the freedom to create, innovate, and shape your own path, allowing your passion and purpose to guide your entrepreneurial journey. Entrepreneurship is a heartfelt endeavor driven by love and a deep sense of purpose. A endeavor where your work becomes a reflection of your authentic self, making a meaningful impact on the world around you.

Empowering Boss Life

What's your definition of Collaboration over competition?

Natasha Harris: Collaboration over competition, in my view, signifies individuals uniting for the betterment of our community. It embodies women from diverse industry backgrounds gathering around a table, pooling their skills to craft offerings that not only fulfill customer needs but also spark intrigue for more. In this approach, everyone triumphs; customers' requirements met, fostering a cycle of continuous collaboration, celebration, and camaraderie among fellow entrepreneurs. It adheres to the principle of "each one teach one," recognizing our unique strengths and weaknesses. Instead of resisting collaboration, I advocate embracing it, supporting one another, and collectively elevating our standards. Through this mutual support, we can all grow and thrive as a community.

Empowering Boss Life

What's your ingredients to a long lasting sisterhood?

Natasha Harris: The ingredients to a long-lasting sisterhood, in my perspective, encompass a blend of prayer, patience, and understanding. Honesty and integrity form the foundation, fostering trust and genuine connections. Support and encouragement serve as pillars, lifting each other in times of need and celebrating successes together. Accountability ensures growth, while positivity and flexibility infuse joy and adaptability into the relationship. Lastly, maintaining a broad perspective allows for empathy and deepens the bonds of sisterhood, creating a resilient and enduring connection.

Empowering Boss Life

What is your Ultimate Goal in life?

Natasha Harris: My ultimate goal is to build a robust foundation for my family, leaving behind a legacy that they can be proud of and carry forward. I aspire to make a positive impact by utilizing my gifts and talents to contribute meaningfully to the world.

Empowering Boss Life

What advice can you give yourself?

Natasha Harris: The advice I would give to myself is to face the fear head-on. Often, what lies on the other side of fear is more of my potential waiting to be unlocked. Embracing fear opens the door to discovering new facets of myself and my capabilities. So, my advice to myself is simple: face the fear, for it holds the key to unleashing more of my potential.

Empowering Boss Life

What are your tips for growing a company?

Natasha Harris: Growing a successful company necessitates a strategic blend of planning, resilience, and unwavering faith in your vision. For entrepreneurs aspiring to expand their businesses, several fundamental guidelines prove invaluable:

Firstly, draw strength from faith by praying for guidance, aligning your efforts with a higher purpose. Secondly, remain well-versed in your industry; stay updated on market trends, competitors, and emerging technologies to make informed decisions. Thirdly, prioritize building relationships; nurture strong connections with clients, partners, and employees, as a supportive network can open doors to valuable opportunities and collaborations. Fourthly, be hands-on in your operations; understanding the intricacies of your company and industry firsthand is indispensable.

Moreover, embrace challenging seasons as opportunities for growth, viewing difficulties as stepping stones toward valuable insights. Strive for excellence in everything; exceptional quality in your products or services fosters trust and customer loyalty. Perseverance is key; never give up, but instead, remain resilient in the face of setbacks, pushing forward with determination and tenacity. Uphold self-belief; your confidence in your abilities and your business's potential fuels motivation and innovation. Lastly, pay your success forward by contributing positively to your community and industry. Sharing your knowledge and resources creates a ripple effect of success. By incorporating these principles into your entrepreneurial journey, you can adeptly navigate challenges, stimulate growth, and establish a flourishing and impactful business.
