October 2023

Welcome to the October 2023 Issue of Empowering Boss Life Magazine, where the essence of entrepreneurship and leadership shines brightly. In this empowering edition, we proudly feature remarkable women who epitomize resilience, creativity, and ambition. From Gwendolyn's determination to Courtney's entrepreneurial spirit, each feature encapsulates the spirit of empowerment and achievement. Welcome to a world where passion meets purpose and dreams are transformed into reality.

Courtney Hicks

Trailblazing Women

Empowering Boss Life

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your background?

Courtney Hicks: I'm Courtney, a dedicated mother, loving wife, and ambitious entrepreneur. My professional journey began in special education, where I developed a strong foundation for understanding diverse needs and fostering supportive environments. Motivated by the longing for more flexibility and quality time with my family, I took a bold step to transition careers and establish my own business. This decision reflects my passion for entrepreneurship and my commitment to balancing personal and professional aspirations.

Empowering Boss Life

If you have a business, could you describe it and how you started it?

Courtney Hicks: I am the founder of a Luxury Watch Brand created with the aim to inspire ambitious women. These watches enhance a woman's appearance and confidence while serving a profound purpose. The watches serve as a daily affirmation. With optimism and self-assurance, dreams can become reality. The journey to create this brand started with a vision of empowering women and providing them with elegant timepieces that symbolize their aspirations and potential. It began with careful design and collaboration with skilled artisans to bring this vision to life. Today, our Luxury Watch Brand stands as proof of the strength found in perseverance and the conviction that fashion can be both empowering and purposeful.

Ambition Inspires Elegance

Empowering Boss Life

What challenges have you faced as a woman in your field, and how have you overcome them?

Courtney Hicks: As a woman in this field, I've encountered unique challenges, including the need to exert ten times the effort to establish my brand and build credibility. I tackled these challenges by continuously refining my skills, seeking guidance from mentors, and advocating for myself proactively. My steadfast determination and resilience didn't just enable me to overcome these obstacles; they transformed challenges into pathways for personal growth and empowerment.

Empowering Boss Life

What accomplishments are you most proud of since being featured in Empowering Boss Life magazine?

Courtney Hicks: I take pride in several accomplishments since my feature in Empowering Boss Life Magazine:

1. I've expanded my watch collection.

2. I've achieved sell-outs of my watches.

3. I've diligently grown and solidified my professional network.

4. My brand has been recognized in multiple other magazines.

5. Most importantly, I've persevered throughout my journey, enduring even the toughest challenges and never wavering in my determination.

Empowering Boss Life

How have you continued to empower and mentor other women in your industry?

Courtney Hicks: I have continued to empower and mentor other women in my industry by dedicating myself to inspiring and supporting the next generation. Utilizing my watch collection and personal experiences, I strive to motivate women to chase their aspirations. I am deeply involved in mentoring and supporting fellow women, ensuring they receive the encouragement and resources necessary to accomplish their objectives.

Empowering Boss Life

Could you share an impactful story or experience that has shaped your journey and outlook on life?

Courtney Hicks: One transformative experience that significantly influenced my journey was the global shutdown caused by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Following my business launch and a successful inaugural event, the pandemic halted outdoor activities and significantly reduced consumer spending. In response, I pivoted my approach. Instead of solely focusing on my own dreams and product, I began recognizing and celebrating the dreams of other women. This change enabled me to establish an extraordinary global network of women, many of whom are still cherished friends today. This experience taught me the power of adaptability, community and the importance of celebrating the dreams and successes of others in the face of adversity.

Empowering Boss Life

How has your life and career evolved since being featured in Empowering Boss Life magazine?

Courtney Hicks: My life has experienced significant changes since being featured in Empowering Boss Life Magazine. I've expanded my family, nurtured a growing network, and achieved significant milestones. Empowering Boss Life Magazine was the first publication to believe in my brand, and I'm eternally thankful. During the inception of my brand, you provided me with a valuable opportunity. Since then, our visibility has grown, and we have successfully built our credibility.

Mindset Collection

Empowering Boss Life

What have you learned yourself and your leadership style since being featured in Empowering Boss Life magazine?

Courtney Hicks: Since my feature in Empowering Boss Life magazine, I've learned a crucial facet of my leadership style. I've realized that purposeful intentionality not only aids my goal achievement but also motivates other women to act. My commitment extends beyond personal accountability; it involves empowering and encouraging fellow women to be accountable on their own journeys.

Empowering Boss Life

How have you continued to challenge yourself and grow as a leader?

Courtney Hicks: I have consistently expanded my leadership horizons by investing in continuous self- education, honing my skills, and learning from experts in areas where I lack expertise. This dedication to continuous growth has enabled me to adjust to shifting landscapes, cultivate fresh viewpoints, and enhance my leadership skills, ensuring my effectiveness and innovation in my position.

Empowering Boss Life

What does being an empowering boss mean to you, and how do you strive to embody that in your everyday life and interactions with others?

Courtney Hicks: Being an empowering leader means motivating fellow women through my personal journey, showcasing the possibilities within reach. It means providing unwavering support for women and their dreams, regardless of where they are in their journeys. By holding onto my self- confidence, I aim to kindle similar assurance in other women, motivating them to believe in their abilities, too. In my everyday interactions, I strive to be a mentor, listener, and advocate, creating an environment where women can flourish and achieve their full potential. Empowering others isn't just a goal; it's a way of life, a commitment to uplifting and nurturing the strengths of every woman I encounter.

Empowering Boss Life

How do you prioritize self-care and maintaining a healthy work-life balance? what tips can you offer other busy women?

Courtney Hicks: I prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy work-life balance through intentionality. My key advice for busy women is to consciously manage your time, ensuring that self-care is given the importance it deserves alongside your work responsibilities. It's crucial to schedule moments for relaxation, exercise, and activities that bring you joy. Setting boundaries and learning to say no when necessary are also essential. Keep in mind that prioritizing self-care not only boosts your well-being but also amplifies your productivity and overall happiness.

Empowering Boss Life

How do you stay motivated and inspired, even in the face of adversity?

Courtney Hicks: To maintain motivation and inspiration in difficult times, I find strength in recalling my purpose and the reasons behind my actions. Focusing on my goals and the impact I want to make keeps me determined and resilient, even in the face of adversity.

Empowering Boss Life

What new projects or initiatives are you currently working on?

Courtney Hicks: One initiative we are focusing on is the development of our wholesale program.

Empowering Boss Life

What are your future goals and aspirations, both personally and professionally?

Courtney Hicks: My future goals and aspirations encompass both personal and professional ambitions. Professionally, I aspire to witness my products displayed on the shelves of physical stores, marking a significant milestone in my entrepreneurial journey. Personally, I am committed to broadening my income sources through new business ventures, aiming for financial stability and prosperity for my family and myself.

Empowering Boss Life

What changes or advancements do you hope to see for women in your industry in the next 5-10 years?

Courtney Hicks: In the next 5-10 years, my aspiration is to witness a greater presence of women like me flourishing within the watch industry. I hope to see increased opportunities, recognition of talent, and a more inclusive environment where women can excel, innovate, and lead, breaking barriers and contributing significantly to the industry's growth and diversity.

Empowering Boss Life

What do you envision for the future of women in your industry, and how do you plan to contribute to that vision?

Courtney Hicks: My vision for the future of women in my industry is one where we wholeheartedly support each other, recognizing that we're not competitors but allies. I believe that by fostering a culture of collaboration instead of competition, we can create an environment where women can thrive and achieve their full potential. Personally, I plan to contribute to this vision by persistently embracing collaboration in my work, mentorship, and networking efforts. I will actively pursue chances to uplift and empower my fellow women professionals, working together to dismantle obstacles and create a more inclusive and supportive industry for everyone.


FALL 2023

Empowering Boss Life

What advice would you give to women who are just starting out in your industry?

Courtney Hicks: My advice to women starting in my industry is to establish your rhythm, work with what's available, and focus on growing your network. Building meaningful connections can be a key to success in your journey. Building genuine connections and continuously learning from others can open doors and provide valuable insights, helping you navigate the challenges and excel in your career."

Empowering Boss Life

How have you continued to empower and inspire other women in your industry or community?

Courtney Hicks: I've empowered women in my industry or community by showcasing that collaboration and partnership can not only exist but also flourish. By actively engaging in cooperative efforts, I've demonstrated the immense potential for women to uplift each other and drive positive change.

Empowering Boss Life

Lastly, what message would you like to share with the Empowering Boss Life community and its readers?

Courtney Hicks: My final message to the readers of Empowering Boss Life magazine is this: If you're reading this, you possess the potential to transition from being a reader to a featured individual in this magazine. Maintain your self-belief, unwavering consistency, and relentless pursuit of excellence. Keep the fires of curiosity burning and never cease your journey as a lifelong learner, always striving for consistency in your pursuits. Keep rising to the top!

@Mindset.collection Www.mindsetcollection.com